Specialist House Painters in Virginia

It’s time to transform your house with the right paint and the right painting contractor in Virginia, Maryland, or Washington.

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Our professional home painting services in Virginia are designed to improve the value of your house.

You know that a fresh coat of paint brightens a space and makes it look new. Although many homeowners like to take painting as a DIY job, we recommend you to get help from a professional team of house painters who have all the tools, experience, and workforce to get your painting project done in a timely and satisfactory manner.

At TSP Contracting, we have several teams of professional painters and technicians that never fail to finish a project correctly, on budget, and on time. Whether you need to paint a specific part of your home or are looking to completely renovate your property, we’re ready to serve you. As a leading painting company, we extend our services to three states: Virginia, Maryland, and Washington DC. Here are two of our popular painting services:

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    Interior Painting

    Do more than rolling paint on
    your walls


    Exterior Painting

    Elevate your space with a perfect

    Highlights of what our painting services cover

    You might be wondering what a painting contractor really does. We can’t say anything about others, but we do something more than just rolling paint on your walls. When homeowners work with us, they get the job done fast. Here is what our painting jobs may include:

    • Moving household items to get access to the areas that need to be painted.
    • Surface preparation before we start painting: filling holes, removal of future covers, scraping away loose paint.
    • Priming the surface.
    • Painting coats on walls and ceiling.
    • Painting the trim and molding.
    • Touch Ups, clean ups, and removal of extras.
    • Final inspection and approval.

    If you want to learn more about our painting services in Virginia, or want to discuss your project, feel free to give us a call. You can also drop an email or request a FREE quote.

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    Let’s explore financing options for your project

    TSP Contracting has partnered with Hearth so we can help you find financing options that best fit your needs.

    How does Hearth financing work?

    Multiple financing options

    We work with 17 lenders to find competitive personal loans and credit cards for your needs

    Simple pre-qualification

    Our process takes less than 2 minutes and will not affect your credit score

    Personalized options

    Hearth’s lending partners can provide multiple options tailored to your needs